GChris Sculpture Gallery


Click thumbnail for large image, name, media, size and message. 


Gallery 1 [A-C]

Gallery 2 [D-L]

Gallery 3 [M-S]

Gallery 4 [T-Z]

Gallery [Older Sculptures Without Separate Web Pages]
Gallery - Mobiles
Gallery - Stabiles
Gallery - Combination
Gallery - Copper
Gallery - Wood
Gallery - Mixed/Other


Acquire GChris sculpture and 100% of Chris' payment donated to Thrive! Scholarships. Sculpture price list. 


All Rights Reserved Gary A. Christopherson

 T!rrific  tall woman the balanced pursuit of absolute truth the decider New>The Forever Solution the natural force to thrive the ones join to support being the parts of being in concert the phenomenology of becoming the power of why the soft embrace of being the synergistic joining of beings The Thrive! Endeavor the undeserving species New>New>thrive or not to thrive Thrive! Center  Thrive! - escape from extinction Thrive! for all forever thrive together thriving thriving abstraction New> thriving cross time thriving dance thriving eagle thriving forever New> thriving through inner strength  thriving through chaos thriving through life's chaos thriving transpires thriving with abstraction Thrivism - path to thriving future New> New> to emanate from chaos to fail is to die  New> together together we thrive touching the trinity tree of life true leap of faith tsunami spirit tsunami transcended unification unifying theory New> New> New> New> uplifting future upward reach from vulnerability via path from vulnerability vision of a less vulnerable world vulnerable ascension vulnerable in america war's value we shall save the world when beings intersect on balance whimsical child's play whimsical one whimsically thriving wholeness of being why not pressure why (vulnerable) with heart world saved or unsaved world without war, amen Xtinct - universal justice


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